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Bewley's Tea of Ireland

Bewley's Irish Breakfast Loose 8.8 Ounces

Bewley's Irish Breakfast Loose 8.8 Ounces

Best By Jul 2025

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Regular price $11.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.49 USD
Sale Sold out
Expiry date: 2025/07/01
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Price Per Cup: $0.14 Per Cup
Body: Full Bodied
Apperance: Rich, Dark
Aroma: Bold, Robust
Ingredients: Black Tea
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Bewley's Irish Breakfast 8.8 Ounces/250 Grams of Loose Tea

This new packaging of Bewleys Irish Breakfast Loose comes in a resealable pouch for easier storage.

Ireland has long been known to have the highest per capita tea consumption in the world. So naturally, the tea makers at Bewleys, produced in Dublin, Ireland, know how to make a first-rate Irish Breakfast Tea.

To create their Irish Breakfast Tea, Bewley's blend tea leaves from different regions to create a unique taste. Bewley's Irish Breakfast is 100% tea leaves and is a blend of tea leaves from India, specifically the Assam and Darjeeling regions.

Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea brews a rich brown color and has a creamy, malt flavor and a full-bodied taste. With a strong flavored tea like this, it is best to add a dash of milk and sweetener (sugar, honey or whatever you choose).

Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea comes in tea bags or loose tea. The tea bags are available as individually-wrapped, so you can take some with you wherever you go, or as traditional square tea bags. On the front of the 80 tea bag box and loose tea package is an image of Blarney Castle in Cork, Ireland.

Although it says breakfast, the tea can be consumed any time of day. To make the best Bewley's Irish Breakfast, steep the tea for 3 to 5 minutes.

Actually, Irish Breakfast Teas have been created by Irish Tea makers mostly for export. Tea drinkers in Ireland typically drink Bewley'

Irish Breakfast is a common type of tea. A lot of tea companies make a version of this tea and almost all taste different. Essentially, teas from different regions are blended together to achieve a specific taste. Irish Breakfast Teas should always be a black tea.

Irish Breakfast, along with English Breakfast or even Scottish Breakfast, is the most familiar type of tea. All of these versions of Breakfast Tea taste different. Most notably, English Breakfast is more mellow than the others.

In tea making, cupping means to taste and evaluate tea leaves for such factors and aroma, body, briskness, color and more. This is required to discover the qualities of the tea so consistent blends can be produced. As a natural product, tea leaves from the same geographic region can taste vastly different. This step means the tea consistently taste the same and is of a good quality.

First, Bewley's visits tea growers across India's Assam and Darjeeling regions to begin selecting the best tea leaves to use for Irish Breakfast. Bewleys examines tea leaves for appearance, taste, color, strength and briskness.

Then, Bewley's Master Tea Blender gets samples different varieties of tea. These samples are then reviewed for leaf size and quality. A thorough cupping is then conducted. Bewleys even has a dedicated cupping room so outside distractions can be eliminated. The best teas are then chosen and Bewleys purchases these from tea growers. Upon arrival at the Bewleys facility in Dublin, Ireland, the Irish Breakfast Tea can be created.

Then, the best tea leaves are purchased and shipped back to Bewley's plant in Dublin, Ireland. After arrival in Ireland, the tea leaves are tasted again to ensure they taste the same as they did before purchase at the tea estate.

Now, comes the hard part. How do you blend tea from different regions to get the same taste in every cup of Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea? Adding to the complexity is that fact that each crop of tea can vary in taste. Weather may alter the taste of it may not be possible to obtain from the same tea estates every year. But, the tea leaves have to be blended to ensure the same taste every time a cup of Bewley's Irish Breakfast is consumed.

Bewley's Master Blender has to adjust the type of tea leaves and the volume of tea leaves. Bewleys keep samples of previous blends to ensure the taste is consistent. This content was first seen on describing Bewley's Irish Breakfast Loose Tea.

Tea leaves.

Brand History:
Bewley's Tea, Dublin Ireland

Bewley's was established in 1840 and is one of Ireland's leading brands. Today, Bewley's remains a leading household name and is Ireland's leading supplier of quality coffees and teas. Bewley's is best known for its cafes throughout Ireland.

Bewley's is a historic company. In 1835, Charles Bewley imported the first tea into Ireland from China with over 2000 chests of tea. It was the first time tea was shipped direct to Ireland. In 1833, the monopoly held by the East India trading company was broken. Tea merchants all over the world were free to do business. Charles Bewley was the first merchant who exercised that freedom. However, it was Charles brother Joshua that founded the company that was to become Bewley's.

Joshua set up as a tea merchant in 1840, and by 1850, his company, The China Tea Company, was boasting a large client base and brisk sales. In 1875, he moved the company and established a new trading identity there as Charles Bewley and Co. Tea Merchants.

Joshua's son, Ernest, joined his father and brother, Charles, in the firm and worked long hours to build up the shop's trade in tea, sugar, coffee and oriental decorative goods. When brother Charles emigrated in 1890, Ernest was left in charge of the firm. Over the next 40 years, Ernest oversaw development of a new dimension to the business, the Oriental Cafes.

Ernest was a stickler for punctuality and honesty and his pursuit of quality and style was reflected in all aspects of the business. He hired the best continental bakers, dressed the cafes in a richly distinctive oriental decor and kept the menu simple: tea, coffee, rolls, sticky buns and eggs, poached, boiled or scrambled.

In his quest for perfection, Ernest acquired a farm and started a Jersey cow herd that provided milk and cream of legendary quality for the cafes. He won prizes at the royal Dublin Show for cattle and butter, his smartly turned out horse drawn delivery vans and even his roses!

For business people and well-heeled shoppers, the Bewley's cafes became favorite meeting places and, in true cafe society style, they were the haunt at various times of artists and writers such as James Joyce and Patrick Kavanagh.

Ernest Bewley's decision in 1927 to embark on his most prestigious venture yet, a cafe in fashionable Grafton Street, was an affirmation of the family's commitment to a city that had come through a period of great political and social change. Fitted out in the distinctive Bewley's style, the new cafe had 6 magnificent stained glass windows commissioned from the artist Harry Clarke. Their rich kaleidoscope of colors still lends an exotic atmosphere to the ground-floor of the Grafton Street site.

Ernest's death in 1932 marked the end of an era for the firm. Despite failing health, he had managed to see the Grafton Street project to completion but was denied the satisfaction of knowing that in ten years' time the cafes would provide 40% of the company's profits.

Victor, Ernest's 20-year-old son, stepped into his father's legendary shoes. Despite being a naturally shy young man, he quickly gained the respect of the staff employed in the three cafes, two bakeries, and a small chocolate factory.

The shortages of the war years brought further changes in eating patterns and a scarcity of tea resulted in an increase in coffee consumption, a trend that had become a permanent one by the 1950's. Today, Bewley's continues to be a market leader in both tea and coffee. Maintaining strict control over sourcing and production, Bewley's is your passport to the world of fine teas.

Customer Reviews

Based on 54 reviews
Joni Ward
Irish Breakfast Tea ICED

I found Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea while visiting Ireland several years ago. I enjoy the rich deep flavor that holds up to brewing and steeping and serving over ice. I leave in Phoenix Arizona and drink iced tea year round. During COVID there was a bit of a shortage available in the states and I reached out to my friends in Ireland to bring me a few bags when they came across the pond. I highly recommed this tea, however you prefer to drink it.

Delicious Nostalgia

I was in Ireland 30 odd years ago and fondly remember going to Bewley’s to have a cup of tea and a bite to eat. The tea is as delicious as I remember— strong but smooth. A wonderful blend!

Barbara Fleming
Good tea & service

Got 2 bags of Bewleys tea, 1morning & 1 afternoon. My daughter was thrilled. The packages were a bit different but she really liked them. Order arrived quickly.

Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea

We have been drinking this tea since we first had it in Dublin in 1998-the one and only. Teadog makes it easier to get in US than to find when in Ireland.

Best Gift

I bought this tea for a Christmas Gift, it hasn’t been given yet but the gentleman that will receive it will be thrilled, it’s his favorite. Tea dog is the best for being able to get teas that are hard to find in the states.